£0.39 Per Ticket

Winner is: John Garry

Ticket number: 15 Answer: Finding Nemo



About This Competition

Voted number 1 in a user survey, Cloverleaf Blanket Answer is a unique blend of minerals and enzymes to combat blanket weed. Blanket weed can quickly spread over the pond and stop light and oxygen from other pond life so not only does it look unsightly, it also damages the delicate eco balance.
Blanket Answer is safe to use with all pond fish, plants and even with biological filtration systems. It can be used repeatedly to shift a stubborn problem, especially over the summer months.
An 800g bottle will treat ponds up to 10,000 litres (40 ml treats 500 litres)(200g treats 2500 litres), so a little goes a long way. Itā€šā€šĀ¾ā€šs a good product to keep to hand all year round in case the problem occurs.