£0.20 Per Ticket

Winner is: assim_786

Ticket number: 1510 Answer: June



Instant Ticket Wins!

No need to wait for the draw date! - 5 Free Instant Wins! Randomly draw any of the following tickets numbers and win the prize!

Winning Ticket Prize
Winner! - #13 - Katrina Hodgson Tub of Treats 1 Litre
Winner! - #560 - Julie Finch Pond Bomb
Winner! - #1110 - Dale Passant 1 Litre EA Filter gel
Winner! - #1830 - Karl Nicolson PSB Bacto
Winner! - #2200 - Alan Botfield Tub of Treats 1 Litre

About This Competition

The mystery box is always popular and this is the biggest one we have done so far!  Guaranteed to be at least £150 worth of products inside.  It’s always more as I get carried away, just ask any of the previous winners.